Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Hello and welcome to the GlenNet Leads Group website!

Our group consists of Glen Ellyn Chamber members coming together twice a month to pass along leads and referrals to each other, while working to continually grow our group and learn about each others businesses.

We are a business-to-consumer group, focusing on finding solid, quality leads while creating networking opportunities for each other. Our members represent only one business service or product, thus not competing with each other for referrals.

To be eligible for Membership in the Leads Group:
  • Be a Member in good standing (dues are current) of the Glen Ellyn Chamber of Commerce.
  • The business or organization joining the Leads Group will appoint one member (Primary Representative) to regularly attend meetings.
  • Not be in professional competition with any other group member.

If you are interested in learning more about our group, attending a meeting as a guest or if you would like to join the GlenNet Leads Group, please contact us at GlenNetLeadsGroup@gmail.com , or email our group chair, Cheryl Shurtz at cheryl@clshomes.com